The Boogyies
Es wurde bereits über 400 Mal aufgerufen.
The band was created as a combination of two generations. The older generation is here to put evergreen songs on the list, and the younger one to bring the fresh touch and creativity of new-age sound into it. This fusion of generations is removing dust and shines up old but everlasting songs. All of our members are active musicians and dedicated to every single tone. Behind us are successful gigs, satisfied clients and great recommendations.
We own complete equipment that fits up to 1000 persons and we are ready in any time to perform indoor as well outdoor -company of personal celebrations , weddings, birthday parties, festivals etc. with up to 4 hours of playing.
Our set list is filled with rock and pop song covers, and it is updated often.
The Boogyies begeistert das Publikum mit einer breiten Palette an Musikstilen:
- Party / Unterhaltung
Die Musik von The Boogyies zeichnet sich durch eine beeindruckende Vielfalt aus:
- Rock- und Popmusik
- Oldies / Evergreens
Du kannst The Boogyies für folgende Anlässe buchen:
- Dorf- / Stadtfest
- Firmenevent
- Geburtstag
- Karneval- / Faschingsparty
- Kneipen- / Musiknacht
- Konzert
- Messe / Präsentation
- Party
- Weihnachtsfeier
- Zeltfest
35 Bilder
3 Videos
Um deine Anfrage zu versenden, benötigen wir bitte noch deinen Namen und deine E-Mail-Adresse.
The Boogyies in Heddesheim
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